Church News. January 17, 2010
From David’s excellent lesson this morning based on Revelation 7
God is in control
God has a plan
God can save anyone
God expects purity of life
God allows pain
God saves through the blood of Christ
God’s blessings await us
- Syble Peterson is ill
- Janice Hutchin’s knee procedure has been put off
- Joey’s dad’s aneurysm will not require surgery after all
- Keith Cargile is engaged
- The young people are invited to the Carr’s next Sunday night
- Friday night study on prayer at the Turners home
- Janet Bickle will be out of town for two weeks attending to her daughter
- Maggie Perez requests prayers for her brother… George Cruz and her mother… Serafina Cruz (Dementia)
From David’s excellent lesson this morning based on Revelation 7
God is in control
God has a plan
God can save anyone
God expects purity of life
God allows pain
God saves through the blood of Christ
God’s blessings await us
- Syble Peterson is ill
- Janice Hutchin’s knee procedure has been put off
- Joey’s dad’s aneurysm will not require surgery after all
- Keith Cargile is engaged
- The young people are invited to the Carr’s next Sunday night
- Friday night study on prayer at the Turners home
- Janet Bickle will be out of town for two weeks attending to her daughter
- Maggie Perez requests prayers for her brother… George Cruz and her mother… Serafina Cruz (Dementia)