Sunday Evening Schedule
Sunday Evening Series (Dec - Feb)
Dec. 6 Creation (Gen 1) Jeff
Dec. 13 Creation of Man/Woman (Gen 1:26-4) Rob
Dec. 20 Noah (Gen 6-9) Shane
Dec. 27 God's Promise to Abraham (Gen 12-15) Joey
Jan. 3 Sodom & Gomorrah (Gen 18-19) Jeff
Jan. 10 Isaac (Gen 18, 20-22) ** GUEST SPEAKER **
Jan. 17 Jacob & Esau (Gen 25-28) Don
Jan. 24 Jacob's Journeys (Gen 29-36) Raul Christie
Jan. 31 Joseph and his brothers (Gen 37) Joey
Feb. 7 God takes care of Joseph (Gen 39-41) Steve
Feb. 14 Joseph's family needs food (Gen 42-44) Shane
Feb. 21 Joseph's family moves to Egypt (Gen 45-46) Walker
Feb. 28 God takes care of Joseph's family (Gen 47-50) Jeff
Dec. 6 Creation (Gen 1) Jeff
Dec. 13 Creation of Man/Woman (Gen 1:26-4) Rob
Dec. 20 Noah (Gen 6-9) Shane
Dec. 27 God's Promise to Abraham (Gen 12-15) Joey
Jan. 3 Sodom & Gomorrah (Gen 18-19) Jeff
Jan. 10 Isaac (Gen 18, 20-22) ** GUEST SPEAKER **
Jan. 17 Jacob & Esau (Gen 25-28) Don
Jan. 24 Jacob's Journeys (Gen 29-36) Raul Christie
Jan. 31 Joseph and his brothers (Gen 37) Joey
Feb. 7 God takes care of Joseph (Gen 39-41) Steve
Feb. 14 Joseph's family needs food (Gen 42-44) Shane
Feb. 21 Joseph's family moves to Egypt (Gen 45-46) Walker
Feb. 28 God takes care of Joseph's family (Gen 47-50) Jeff