Church News. December 23, 2009

Howdy! Here are a few notes of interest

From Arlie…

I just got word my Mom in Kansas City taken to emergency room and being admitted with blood clot in one leg, UTI Infection, and not breathing well. So I leave tomorrow, should return on the lst of Jan. if all is well. Please let whoever does announcements tomorrow night know this. Thanks. Pray for all of us. My sis and bro. will be there too.

From Virginia concerning her son, David…

Happy news from the Lawler family! David's CAT scan showed no sign of cancer.
Thanks for the many prayers. Virginia

Sad news from Judy Shelton concerning her brother…

My brother died this morning around 11:45AM.
Judy Shelton

The Neubauers are having a get together at their home on New Years Eve. There are invitations at the building. Coincidentally, we’ll use this as a going away party for them… how convenient. I guess we can take Elizabeth off of the prayer list for her recent Gall bladder surgery.

Richard Muse visited Sunday night…
902 Stirman

Brother Muse is a member at King’s Crossing.


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