John's Message
Mark 1:4 states that “John came and preached the baptism of repentance unto the remission of sins”.
John’s message was basically to identify how godly people should act… specifically which activities they should and should not engage in (Luke 3:10 -14).
The activities (sins) that they shouldn’t be engaging in had to be repented of and the guilty would have to be baptized in water to be made right with God.
In addition to teaching them how to live John prophesied that the Christ would come and baptize them in the Holy Spirit. So it was a message of preparing people in anticipation of the coming of the Christ and the blessings of the Holy Spirit.
The message being that if they failed to repent and be baptized they not only would miss out on the blessings of “the baptism in the Holy Spirit” and acceptance into the “kingdom of God” but also receive punishment in the form of “baptism in fire” and rejection.
That message was preached a long time ago but it really hasn’t changed. We need to take a close look at how we’re living and make the choice to reject sin and live godly lives so that we can receive the blessings he has promised and escape his wrath.
John’s message was basically to identify how godly people should act… specifically which activities they should and should not engage in (Luke 3:10 -14).
The activities (sins) that they shouldn’t be engaging in had to be repented of and the guilty would have to be baptized in water to be made right with God.
In addition to teaching them how to live John prophesied that the Christ would come and baptize them in the Holy Spirit. So it was a message of preparing people in anticipation of the coming of the Christ and the blessings of the Holy Spirit.
The message being that if they failed to repent and be baptized they not only would miss out on the blessings of “the baptism in the Holy Spirit” and acceptance into the “kingdom of God” but also receive punishment in the form of “baptism in fire” and rejection.
That message was preached a long time ago but it really hasn’t changed. We need to take a close look at how we’re living and make the choice to reject sin and live godly lives so that we can receive the blessings he has promised and escape his wrath.