Adult Classes - Winter Quarter
Auditorium class
- Raul Torres.
Adult 1 (large classroom)
- Smitherman. Jeremiah and Lamentations
Sunday Morning only
Adult 2
- Perkins. “Proverbs”
Wednesday Only
Adult 2
- Joey. “A Walk Through the New Testament”
Sunday Night
Auditorium class
- Various speakers – subject mirrors children’s classes.
Adult 1 (large classroom)
- Smitherman. Dealing with adversity & tragedy (first 6 weeks). Controversial topics (second six weeks).
Auditorium class
- Raul Torres.
Adult 1 (large classroom)
- Smitherman. Jeremiah and Lamentations
Sunday Morning only
Adult 2
- Perkins. “Proverbs”
Wednesday Only
Adult 2
- Joey. “A Walk Through the New Testament”
Sunday Night
Auditorium class
- Various speakers – subject mirrors children’s classes.
Adult 1 (large classroom)
- Smitherman. Dealing with adversity & tragedy (first 6 weeks). Controversial topics (second six weeks).