Church News. Sept. 6, 2009
Proverbs 12:13, “An evil man is ensnared by the transgression of his lips… but the righteous will escape from trouble.
When I read this verse I immediately thought of Phillip Garido, the evil man who kidnapped and raped 11 year old Jaycee Dugard and held her in captivity for 18 years. Truly Garido is evil. For 18 years he hid Jaycee and successfully outwitted the law. In the end he was “ensnared by the transgression of his own lips”. The Corpus Christi Caller-Times reports, “Going and proselytizing it in a public place, needing to get a permit and he brings the two kids and blurts out his criminal record – it’s very possible on some level, unconsciously, he wanted to put an end to it and didn’t know how to do it”.
There is a payment due for evil living and the evil will set the trap for themselves.
We need a volunteer to help RD Cave replace AC filters at the building. Preferably someone under the age of 70.
Remember David Holder from Ft. Worth will be here on Saturday from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm to work with our teachers. Let’s have a great turnout.
From Jeff Carr…
Colossians class on Thursday evening, at 7pm, beginning on Sept 10 and ending Oct 1 (4 consecutive Thursdays). At Ray and Linda Torno's house.
Saturday, Sept. 19 everyone is invited to our home for a Potluck commemorating the upcoming marriage of Jacob Mokry to Amber Jensen. Everyone is invited, men, women and children. Be sure to bring lawn chairs.
Adult Classes this Quarter
Sunday Morning and Wednesday night
Auditorium: Bob Bickle (Resisting Satan)
Adult 1: David Smitherman (Psalms 119)
Adult 2: Jeff & Karen Turner (Parenting class)
Adult 3: Paul Smith (College class)
Sunday Morning Only
Adult 4: Rob Perkins (Proverbs)
Wednesday Night Only
Adult 3: Joe Vaughan (A Walk Through the New Testament)
Sunday Night Only
Auditorium: Various men preaching on the subject of family and home.
Adult 1: David Smitherman (Song of Solomon)
Adult 2: Walker & Shane (Singing Class)
Proverbs 12:13, “An evil man is ensnared by the transgression of his lips… but the righteous will escape from trouble.
When I read this verse I immediately thought of Phillip Garido, the evil man who kidnapped and raped 11 year old Jaycee Dugard and held her in captivity for 18 years. Truly Garido is evil. For 18 years he hid Jaycee and successfully outwitted the law. In the end he was “ensnared by the transgression of his own lips”. The Corpus Christi Caller-Times reports, “Going and proselytizing it in a public place, needing to get a permit and he brings the two kids and blurts out his criminal record – it’s very possible on some level, unconsciously, he wanted to put an end to it and didn’t know how to do it”.
There is a payment due for evil living and the evil will set the trap for themselves.
We need a volunteer to help RD Cave replace AC filters at the building. Preferably someone under the age of 70.
Remember David Holder from Ft. Worth will be here on Saturday from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm to work with our teachers. Let’s have a great turnout.
From Jeff Carr…
Colossians class on Thursday evening, at 7pm, beginning on Sept 10 and ending Oct 1 (4 consecutive Thursdays). At Ray and Linda Torno's house.
Saturday, Sept. 19 everyone is invited to our home for a Potluck commemorating the upcoming marriage of Jacob Mokry to Amber Jensen. Everyone is invited, men, women and children. Be sure to bring lawn chairs.
Adult Classes this Quarter
Sunday Morning and Wednesday night
Auditorium: Bob Bickle (Resisting Satan)
Adult 1: David Smitherman (Psalms 119)
Adult 2: Jeff & Karen Turner (Parenting class)
Adult 3: Paul Smith (College class)
Sunday Morning Only
Adult 4: Rob Perkins (Proverbs)
Wednesday Night Only
Adult 3: Joe Vaughan (A Walk Through the New Testament)
Sunday Night Only
Auditorium: Various men preaching on the subject of family and home.
Adult 1: David Smitherman (Song of Solomon)
Adult 2: Walker & Shane (Singing Class)