Thirty Pieces of Silver


I was reading Mt. 26-27 the other day and thinking about Judas’ betrayal of Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. I suspect that Judas may not have known that this betrayal would lead to Jesus’ death. Afterall, Judas had witnessed Jesus’ great power and miracle working. He may have suspected that Jesus would triumph over anything the chief priests could bring against him. I don’t know.

What I do know is that when Judas witnessed the events that would lead to Jesus’ death he became very remorseful. So remorseful that he tried to correct his sin by confessing it to the chief priests and elders. Precisely what he should have done under Old Testament Law. He even offered restitution by giving the money back. Instead of forgiving Judas the chief priests rejected his repentance. They had to. If they had accepted his repentance it would be an admission of their own guilt. They couldn’t do that. They couldn’t offer Judas forgiveness and let him walk away.

Judas was so remorseful that he went out and hanged himself. Imagine the level of remorse that would cause someone to place a noose around their neck and cause themselves to be strangled to death. Judas had remorse. Sometimes we wonder why he didn’t go to Jesus and ask for forgiveness? I think the answer has to be that Judas did not fully believe in Jesus. Oh, he believed in Jesus power and miracle working but he did not believe that Jesus could or would forgive him of this great sin.

It’s always about belief isn’t it? Jesus could have forgiven Judas but Judas had no faith in him. Faith can solve all our problems.



Prayer List. Sept. 13, 2009